- Media coverage on project with SDZWA using animal borne accelerometry on snakes, widely syndicated across dozens of local news organizations, including Scripps Network, Spectrum News 1 Los Angeles, Mongaby, CBS 8 San Diego
- Scientific consultant for Ze Frank youtube episode on snake locomotion
- Interviewed for New York Times article on snake self-recognition
- Consulted for Science News article on evolution of rattlesnakes on islands
- Inside Science research highlights, Shifting subsidies restructure food webs
- Inside JEB, Pitviper Heat Pits Don’t Have Good Resolution
- Linnean Society, Why Do Geckos Shake Their Food?
- Scientific consultant for Ed Yong’s book on animal sensory systems, An Immense World
- Newsweek, Rat Cheats Death as it Battles Hungry Snake in Epic Fight Viewed 19 Million Times
- Snake Talk podcast, Snakes and their prey
- KQED Deep Look, Kangaroo rats are furry, spring-loaded ninjas
- Science Daily, Hot or cold, venomous rattlesnakes still quick to strike
- LiveScience, 12 Times Science Proved the World is Amazing in 2019
- BBC Outlook, The ninja rat taking on snakes—and winning
- Additional press coverage on high speed kangaroo rat and rattlesnake interactions: Washington Post, Science Magazine, National Geographic, USA Today, Live Science, Scientific American, Mirror, Daily Mail
- Phys.org, For night vision, snakes see a clear choice
- Additional coverage, KUSI San Diego, Fox5 News
- New York Times Science Take, How kangaroo rats escape rattlesnakes
- Additional press coverage on kangaroo rat and rattlesnake interactions: National Geographic, CNN, Global News Canada, Herpetolgoical Highlights
- American Snakes, feature in popular science book
- New Scientist, Watch a rattlesnake plan attack by clearing a path for its strike
- PBS Science News, Why ground squirrels go ninja over nothing
- KZYX Ecology Hour, Rattlesnake and ground squirrels
- BBC One, Scientific consultant and guest interviewee for Talk to the Animals documentary
- Live Science, Goodness snakes! Sociable rattlers cuddle with their kin
- NPR, Ducks do it differently, and science wants you to know about it
- KPBS, ‘Robosquirrel’ Helps Tell An Epic Story Of Evolution
- Additional coverage at Time Magazine, LA Times, CNN, NBC
- Huffington Post, Rattlesnakes surprisingly social
- UC Natural Reserve System, Snakes in the grass
- Reptile Living Room, Interview on snake behavior
- Fox News, Interview on how to catch a deadly runaway cobra
- SDSU Research Foundation, PI Highlight
- Cornell Chronicle, Rattlesnakes sound warning on biodiversity
- Conservation Maven, Snakes interrupted: roads causing genetic decline
- Discovery News, Why did the snake cross the road? It didn’t, and that’s a problem, say conservationists
- PBS, Moment of Impact, scientific consultant
- America’s Snake, scientific consultant on popular science book
- BBC, David Attenborough’s Life in Cold Blood, scientific consultant
- Science News, When a chipmunk teases a rattlesnake
- New York Times, Corning rest stop closed becasue of snakes
- BBC, The social lives of snakes
- Additional coverage: Science News, Earthwatch Radio, Science Magazine
- The Land Steward, Fraternal order of the snake